At 6:57am on August 16, 2020, Everett “Rhett” joined the rest of the world after baking for 40 weeks and a day. Just three weeks shy of my 40th birthday, I became a first-time dad - a role I always wanted, but one that felt less likely with each passing year (and each unsuccessful relationship). But almost a year ago, a conversation about life, family and the future, with one of my closest female friends, led to a decision to go the non-traditional route and attempt to have a child as intentional parenting partners.

Rather than wait (or settle) for somebody that may never come, we decided the better plan was to start a family together - with somebody each of us had known for over a decade, with whom we had shared highs and lows, and a person we felt would make a wonderful parent to our child. And here we are. These are both my experiences as a new dad (10-15 years behind most of my peers) and as an intentional platonic partnered parent. I may sprinkle in the experiences of other dads, books, and stuff I find helpful in this, my biggest adventure yet.